"Give me five years" is what she says when she wants someone to walk away from their entire life for the next five years to do nothing but wait on her, cook her food, and empty her bedpan. I'm sorry, but I am not a primary caretaker. I can't physically or mentally handle the stress of doing that hands-on. There are home health people that come there to help, as well as a nurse and a physical therapist. Sure, it would be great if they had someone 24-7, but I can't be that person. I tried to explain to her how unfair and absolutely insane it was to ask me or my sister to give up getting married, having children, graduate school, a career, everything to do something that would make us want to commit suicide within 3 days!
I will be there for her in any way I can, but she fights me every step of the way, and I cannot be what she wants. Even if I tried, I would never get it right enough for her, just like GF.
Speaking of whom.. He had some skin lesions removed from his head. I don't think they were cancer, but the doc wanted them off just in case.
This picture makes me sad, because every time I look at it, I think why why why didn't they plan for retirement so they could have enough money to live on without scraping???
And here's mom's world these days.. recliner, potty chair, walker, and wheelchair. The good news is that she has a new surgeon at Duke who is willing to fix her hip. He said that he can do the surgery 4-6 weeks from now, depending on whether or not she has cleared the MRSA infection, and how high they can get her blood counts in that time.
All in all, it was a good trip, I guess, gastronomic difficulties and stress notwithstanding. I must have moved a ton of furniture and boxes in the shed getting out the wicker furniture for the sunroom. Mom was shouting directions from her perch on the golf cart ("don't do this! No! DO that! Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhaarrrrrrggggghhh!). Grandmother asked me to move a cast iron daybed (OMG it weighed more than the SUV I was driving!) and then a huge rock the size of a tabletop. After the bed, I said that ain't gonna happen today. I now understand GF.. they are asking for feats of superhuman strength for one person to accomplish, and when someone says no, well, they "refuse to help." Aha. I understand now.
Needless to say, I almost cried when I got home, so happy was I to be there.
Yesterday I went Christmas shopping. Today I am going riding, if Trigger is feeling up to it. He has been under the weather with a nail in his hoof from being shod. The farrier pulled it yesterday and Mr Maw soaked the foot for me. Hopefully Trig will be back to normal today, so I can ride with the group.
L isn't up yet.. He is sleeping in, amazingly enough.. I am the one who woke up early today, for some reason. :)
Hey , The firsdt 3 pics are red x's... Hope your riding the trig....
Hey never mind now I can see them, Man Mom looks nuts... Some things never change, I wish I could win the lottery or something and help out GM and GF, they are way too old to have to struggle so much, Some of there Kids should take the burden off them and let them enjoy the rest of their life.
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