Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Not Cute At All

I know this is a departure from the cute pictures of late, but sometimes the past is more horrid than you remembered. Such is the case here: The Grandparents haven't changed that much. Gf has gained some weight, for sure, and Gm has lost some. But they still dress the same and look pretty much the same. Some people are Universal. I, however, am not.

The Yellow Bow of Doom is once again in evidence. This picture was taken in New York and I thought I was Hot Stuff because on this particular day, I got away with wearing PANTS on the tour!!! Several older "brothers" tried to call me a boy because they felt my wearing pants was inappropriate, but I dazzled them into stunned silence with my Yellow Bow and my Enormous Bangs. They were simply no match for me. Note that I resemble a Checker Cab in that sweater.

I was about 14-15 in this picture. The Big Bangs are still in evidence, but are apparently on the decline. Or else they've just been defeated by a day of scrubbing the horse (who NEVER got completely clean and always rolled in the mud afterward anyway) and shoveling out the barn.

The horse is Amara, a 3/4 Polish, 1/4 Egyptian Arabian mare who enjoyed keeping me on my toes. I loved that horse much more than any boyfriend I ever had (at that age, anyway. That doesnt include L, naturally). If I had known better, I would have put some sunscreen on her nose.. she has a sunburn in this picture. Amara kept me out of a lot of trouble, I think. And helped me get into some, too. ;-)


The Princess said...

ahahahahahaha,the old bro's trying to call u a boy and u DAZZELED them in to stunned silence!!! You are quite possibly the funniest person I know!!!!You make me cackle with the stuff you come up with, (and that is a rarity)
Pants at the WBTS!!! What shock and awe!!! why do all the SISTERS have to wear dresses or skirts??? So the brothers get good use of the Mirrors on the tops of their tasseled wingtips!!!=)0 KYYYYYUUUUMMMM

Anonymous said...

Why'd ya'll go to New York in the first place? It's filthy, vile and corrupt, filled with nothing but Broadway theaters, museums, flop houses and delicatessen foods including cream cheese bagels, need I say more. No decent person would ever go there.

The Princess said...

Have you never heard of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society????? Jehovah's witnesses???? Followers traveled from far and wide to Tour their facilities!!!! As children that's how we got to see NEW YORK... From whatever we could see past the printer that made all the Frickin' magazines we had to push door to door..... ahhhhhhhhhhhh gives me nightmares!!!!

o.r.p. said...

Princesse, go check out the Rev's blog.. It's hilarious satire of "churchy-ness" that isn't far off from the sanctimonious JWs we grew up with. ;-)