Monday, December 18, 2006

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

I've got a major project to finish this week, before Christmas. Oy. I planned on completing it this weekend, but that didn't happen. MM visited, though, and it was really cool to see him. He is loading horses and taking them home to Darlington today.

I'm feeling like sleeping today, not working. I'm listening to Michael Buble and trying to get in the mood to be productive, but I'm not really sure that's ever going to happen today.

I went to see TO in the hospital Friday. He's doing well and will probably go home today.

I went dancing with Margo (not her real name) Friday night. That was a ton of fun.. Some Italian guy tried to pick her up.. he was definitely not attractive, but he dressed well. We left him at the bar looking disappointed. ;)

Later: More pics from the musty archives.

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