Monday, December 11, 2006

Tipping the Scales

Ah, the weekend. It was great, but it's over. Story of my life.
Things that happened this weekend:

1) We went grocery shopping.

2) Our house is clean.

3) Trigger's foot is still sore, but he can sure stand still with one leg in a bucket. He's getting really good at that.

4) A1, A2, and A3, as well as C1 have made a reappearance! Yay! They came over last night for chili and cornbread. A1 and I drank almost 2 whole bottles of wine. Oy.

5) This is for S.. C1 is as cute as ever, only now he has started wearing eyeliner in hopes of charming the folks at Hot Topic into giving him a job. He looks very pretty in it. But rest assured his orientation has not changed and he is as girl crazy as ever.

In other news, I went to the gym today, as I have needed to do for months. Hopefully I can stick with it, because let me tell you, I have started to avoid mirrors. I don't like the way this extra weight looks, and I hate the way it feels. L has disastrously unhealthy eating habits (carb-laden meals at 9 pm) that are bad enough for him, but catastrophic for me. No more, I'm telling you. I'm done. By my birthday, I will see 120 pounds again.

Watch me.

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