Monday, December 04, 2006


Reasons why I would like to shoot myself right now:

1) Trigger has an abscessed hoof and is feeling terrible. TO had to remove his shoe, lance his hoof, and drain it. He's dosed up with banamine and hopefully if we soak it in epsom salts every day, it will be better soon. But still.

2) MS is going through a crisis with his wife and a cancer scare. This is terrible news. All you Christians who read this better be praying for them.

3) I have a presentation on wednesday and I am woefully unprepared for it. But I havent been able to work on it because of all of the deadlines. I am going to have to have a talk with my boss.. I am so overloaded that I can't maintain the work anymore. I hate being sloppy, but that's the only way to get to it all anymore.

4) In fact, I didn't even break for lunch today. Grrrrr...

5) Did I mention that I'm supposed to be hosting a Tupperware party on Dec 9? Ha! I don't see that one happening, do you???

I'm going to take a break now. Not a long one, mind you, but I do definitely need one.

1 comment:

The Princess said...

eat lunch today... and have a goodone... Love ya