Tuesday, November 28, 2006

NC Bound

Reasons why today should be interesting:

1) Trigger is moving to his new home at Brookbend in Clemson.

2) I have about 40 million things to do before I leave for NC, and then I have to drive Mom to Duke tomorrow. Now I am sure that some people will think of me as a horrible person for really not wanting to drive my mother anywhere, but then.. if those people had to be raised by my mother and her ever-present neuroses, then they wouldn't want to go there either.

3) Mom seems to be on a religious kick lately.. My sister reports that Mom wants to ask a "brother" (translated, a JW zealot) to ride with us to Duke, ostensibly to help me with the wheelchair. If she could find a "brother" to take her to Duke, why the hell am I going again? And to add insult to injury, this person she wants to take along would probably refuse to speak to me the entire trip because I'm DF'd (translated: not a JW, but I used to be). Either that or preach at me, and honestly, I'd prefer silence. To top it all off, Mom hasn't mentioned this to me at all.. just my sister. Which means she plans to spring it on me, just like usual.

Just like the time I drove to Colorado to help her move, and she didn't rent a truck for me to haul the stuff back like she promised she would, so I was stuck out there with no way home. That one cost me $800.

Just like every other time she started acting weird and "the brothers" showed up to "counsel me." She'd better not, that's all I have to say. If I get there and there's some JW there, I am going to turn around and go home. Do not pass go, etc etc.

Well I'd better get with it.. I have to pack some clothes and dry my hair and get out to the barn in time to meet TO.

1 comment:

Nimba and Rubi said...

HAHA read me and my friends blog... :)