Saturday, November 11, 2006

Friends Like That

I don't really know why I bother trying to have female friends anymore. Honestly, it seems like I had a brief, golden year where it was possible for me to have a lot of girlfriends.. and then they all faded away or went psycho and it ended just like that.

A1 has kinda gone MIA.. J went nuts.. H went nuts.. I mean, wow. The major exception to this has been the girls at work, who are as awesome as ever.. but then we see each other so much during the week that we all kinda go our own ways on the weekend.

This whole thing isn't that bad when you put it in perspective, because all my male friends seem to be normal and considerate and would never cancel plans with me for some guy. LOL

What brings this whole thing up? Well today was the Parelli show, which I have been planning to attend with several friends for a year. A1 and A3 can't come, which is understandable.. they haven't been able to do anything with me for months now. Seems like I'd get the message by now, doesn't it? I think they are mad at me for moving Trigger.. but it was only a matter of time before he seriously hurt one of the kids, with the arrangement we had. I'd rather have them mad at me for moving him than mad at me because my horse killed someone. Anyway.

What annoys me beyond all belief is the one "friend' who did show. She called me last night to say that she wasn't coming after all... she was ditching me for her slimy ex husband who just called and said to pick him up at the airport, he was coming to visit. SO then this morning she says that she is going to come after all, and that she is bringing this other girl that she has invited.. and she'll need me to get her a ticket. (wtf, anyone?)

When I get to the venue she runs up to my the window of my car, effectively stopping all traffic into the parking lot, demands her tickets, and then takes off inside without so much as a "thanks." When I finally get inside, it takes me a few minutes to find her.. and her ex (a hatchet faced, pockmarked neanderthal who scowled at me in thanks for his free ticket, and who wasn't invited). I had agreed to loan her one of my extra halters and leads for her horse, which I will probably never see again, and she was supposed to order something for me from her Advocare account (it's a home based business like Pampered Chef or Tupperware, only it's vitamins). I asked her for the product a month ago and I've called her 5 times since to arrange to get it from her and pay her for it. Today was #6.. she got my halter and lead, but I didn't get my stuff.

And to top it all off, she left after about 30 minutes at the show. She handed me her entry slip for the prize drawing and said to put it in for her and bring her any prize she might win. (wtf, again?) I suppose you can guess where her entry form went, and it wasn't in the entry bucket.

So, am I overreacting to this by thinking that she is quite possibly the rudest person on the planet? Where do I find these people??

I ended up leaving the show early myself (I never enjoy being in huge crowds when I'm by myself) and going to Ruby's for lunch with L (did I mention that I have the best boyfriend in the world?? It's true).

After lunch I took a nap, but I woke up feeling a little sick, so maybe that's why I am particularly cranky today. (It's an illness that causes lots of parentheses and even more italics than usual, obviously). We have a bunch of people coming over to watch the FSU-NC State game tonight, so hopefully whatever I have is not contaigious.

L has made chili and I made some cornbread to go with it, and who knows what everyone else will bring.. so this should be tasty at the very least. :)

1 comment:

The Princess said...

hey lady... I wrote in my bolg today...check it out!! also an answer to yours!!! love ya.