Wednesday, November 01, 2006


We ran out of candy last night at around 7:45.. just when the major onslaught of kids hit. We had 150 candy bars, and didn't eat a single one ourselves.. but we could have easily given out three times that in our neighborhood last night .

There were some adorable children out there, too. My Clemson Tigerpaw pumpkin was a huge hit, as were the full size candy bars, the inflatable arch way with the glowing eyes, then graveyard scene in front of the dinig room window, and L's glow-in-the-dark skeleton costume. He scared the crap out of one group of pre-teen boys who thought he wasn't real. One of them started poking his chest and stomach to see what he was made out of, and that's when he let out a particularly lugubrious moan and grabbed the kid's shoulder. It was too funny.

One little boy took one look at the porch and ran in the other direction. I sent his candy out to the street with his sister, who wasn't the least bit scared once she saw the chocolate bars. One group of kids asked if the bones scattered about were real bones.. I said they were Internet bones.

The best trick-or-treater we had, though, was a tiny little boy in a chicken costume. He was probably two feet tall, and his candy bucket was so heavy he was dragging it more than carrying it. He hefted it out in front of him and said, "TwickelTweat Pwease!" Seriously, the kid couldn't have been more than 3. He was adorable.

We had SO much fun giving out candy! Next year we will have to buy a LOT more.

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