Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sage Advice

I had lunch with a friend at work yesterday, and she had some really wise insights to offer.

I've heard for years that they way you treat yourself is the way others will treat you.

We took this a little farther in our conversation yesterday. I realized that this is a more concrete concept than I had previously thought. Of course, if you think badly of yourself, that's going to show in the way that you allow people to treat you.. For instance, if you feel unworthy or worthless, then it isn't a stretch for your "friends" to stand you up and then not call or explain or apologize, and not expect anything about the friendship to change.

However, I never thought of the fact that neglecting the physical can have the same affect. Things like not doing your nails and not taking the time to put on your favorite moisturizer or perfume.. not exercising, or eating junk food. If you treat your body like crap, pretty soon you start to feel bad about yourself. It bleeds over into your mental and spiritual life as well (and vice versa).

Hm. Interesting.