Thursday, November 02, 2006

Things We Said Today

Here are some things I have noticed/realized/thought of today:

1) It seems that you have to have a negative IQ to be on TV today. Double that if you're a politician. And if you're a politician, you have to assume that everyone else on the planet is fourteen times as stupid as you are. Honestly, sometimes I would really love to move to another country because PC-ness is ruining America.

2) Most people don't know how to communicate the things that are really important to them. Things like what they want for dinner they can handle. What they want to do with their lives, or who they love and why? Forget it. Impossible. And then 90% of people are upset with those closest to them because they can't read minds.

3) I've been "TOO NICE." This has been an issue for me many times in my relationships with people, but this time it has really hit home, and it took a horse to take it there. My horse walks all over me (quite literally) because I am too freaking nice to him. My ex-husband walked all over me because I was too freaking nice to him. I am sensing a pattern here. Sometimes it is okay to be unpleasant (or in the case of the horse, downright nasty) if that's what it takes to get your point across.

I'm just sayin.

1 comment:

joe hall said...

3) Orp, I hate to think you might be meaning-up to keep people from taking advantage of your good nature. You've always been one of the good guys.

Ha ha on the other hand, SOME of us were born mean as rats trapped in a coffee can, and get taken advantage of when we go out of our way to seem pleasant and nice, no matter what.

(And the rat inside is screaming, "Let me out! You know you want to.")

Naturally nice or canned rats, sometimes it stills stings to feel stooopid.