Friday, November 17, 2006

It's Friday, and you know what that means!

Trail Riding!!

Despite the fact that I am a little under the weather. Dr. P diagnosed bilateral ear infection and a sinus infection yesterday, for which he prescribed the usual Amoxicillin for 10 days. But as anyone can attest, it takes one hell of an infection to keep me still for any length of time. I went straight back to work from the doc's office (with a little detour at the pharmacy to tank up), and this morning I'm going riding.. I'll carry my meds and some kleenex in the saddlebag. :)

My new computer is in, finally. Alas, I am typing this on L's old desktop comp, because mine is still being set up at work. I should be able to pick my new one up this afternoon, should I choose to do so.. But maybe a laptop-less weekend wouldn't be such a bad thing. Hm.

And I'm Off! Later: Coffee Underground's Nashville Songwriters' Association night= guys I know playing original songs + excellent lattes.


Anonymous said...

I think your blog gave me horse fever. And this months issue of W (the art issue) which has an article about equestrians in it. I broke out of my seven year hiatus and rode one of my family's horses for the first time since I was probably in 11th grade. I forgot how fun it is and I was so relaxed when I got back to Columbia that night. I quit riding when I was 15, the age I was allowed to start dating, Hmmm could there be a connection here?!?

o.r.p. said...

You should know that I am dying to meet the Frashleys!! Glad to hear the horse fever has struck again..I'm so addicted to Trigger-riding! :-D Horses are very therapeutic.. almost as good as a spa treatment. LOL
