Friday, December 08, 2006

More Ancient Pictues for My Sister

I took Monster to the vet today... He was very unhappy with this state of affairs, and yowled his discontent loudly all the way to the office and the entire time we were there. The staff were all laughing at him because his yowls are so expressive.. and he's so freakin cute. He was a hit with the vet's office for sure. He weighs 12.4 pounds and is a very healthy cat.

So with that update out of the way, it's time for more ancient pictures from the archives... Here I am with Little Miss Muffinhead, probably less than a month old. This is a rare picture from that year. I didn't allow a great number to be taken that year. I had truly horrible hair. Not to mention the graduation from Peter Pan collars to gigantic lacy ones like those my mother wore (still wears.. shudder).
Here's another.. "Keeeyum" in her very "worldly" denim skirt (It was down to her knees for chrissakes!). You know, if you reverse the last 3 letters of denim you get demin!!! Wear denim to the meeting and you're jest axkin to get demonized!!! Kathy gave me her red suit later on.. I wore it for years before my a$$ got too big. It was too old for me, but it didn't have a lace collar, and I was eternally grateful.
Now this is a classic picture!! Everybody looks pretty miserable, huh? What ya wanna bet we were headed to another assembly??? Oh, and all of the major 80s JW requirements are met.. huge collar- check! Giant bows- check! Stockings- check! Boufy, brillo hair- check! Ginormous glasses- check! Strangely shaped dress that involves some sort of hip-emphasizing peplum overskirt thingie- check! We're ready to roll!!!


The Princess said...

That last one really puts the icing on the cake!!! B it's so sad you look so miserable in so many of these Assembly pics...

o.r.p. said...

Yeah, well, assemblies and meetings and service were all without exception miserable times. Blech!!!
