Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Higher and Deeper

I never believed the old saying about a PhD standing for "piled higher and deeper" until today. Wow. It's as if an advanced degree immediately imbues the recipient with a boundless ego, an incredible sense of superiority, and a gross belief in entitlement. Oh, and arrogance is a character trait to be cultivated. *insert eye roll here*

Sheesh. Today was a small nightmare. That's all I have to say about that.

I'm going to see Trigger. He is sending telepathic messages that he wants petting and his foot needs a soak.


Nimba and Rubi said...


ok lord. i love eyeliner on boys..he looks pretty humm,,,, maybe i can fit him n my tight sched. of boys i have to see. These days i have my hot neighbor with a macked out car who like to put his muscley arms around me. hes number 1 but hey by x-mas time who knows c1 could be THE ONE. lmAo. i love eyeliner did i already say that!!

o.r.p. said...

... uh oh. ;)
