Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

I thought I wouldn't be able to post from Tallahassee, but there is Internet access, though much slower than what I'm used to at home. L's mom is cooking a giant ham and pies and cobbler and sweet potatoes and so many other things I can't keep track.

The dogs are sitting out in the yard peering in at us through the sliding glass doors, hoping we'll come outside to play with them, or else let them in. I'm feeling pretty crappy, still, but hopefully my ears will clear up soon. I will be extra-thankful if they do.

I'll still probably be out of the loop for the rest of the week, since we'll be here until Sunday. Hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

The Princess said...

We got the stomach flu!!!! Summer's still puking!!!