Monday, August 13, 2007

What I Did on Summer Vacation...

I'm back, y'all. :-)
We had a great vacation. HOT, but nice. We went to the beach, where I met L's friends from England. They were very cool. We had lots of fun at the pool and the beach, and playing with the kids. Here is L washing dishes:

And here he is playing with "the boy" who is 4 years old and speaks rapid-fire French. He also speaks English and is learning Spanish. His older sister C is 8 and is absolutely adorable. She colored pictures for us to take home. So now, for the first time ever, our fridge has authentic child-art on it. :-D

After the beach, we spent a few days at L's parents' house. I met all of his college friends one night, and his work mates another day. It was quite an adventure. I learned a lot about L this week. ;-)

Today: Getting my hair done..
Band practice
Who knows??

1 comment:

The Princess said...

Ahhhhwwww L. That ocean looks like fun!!! Woot Woot. Hope you can come viist me soon so we can go to the won't.