Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To Go or Not To Go, THAT is the Question..


Ok, I know it's pretty bad to start the day with a giant sigh. But it's already one of those days. I am really tired already.

Yesterday I was offered an opportunity to go to USVI, expenses paid, to consult on a project, and possibly be part of a new business venture. I am excited about it, because both of the other people involved are people I am already friends with, and who I trust. The problem is that L seems like he doesn't want me to go, but he absolutely refuses to tell me so. And unfortunately, taking him with me isn't an option. He is just acting angry about it every time I bring it up. I don't know what to do.. take the trip and see what happens, or give up the opportunity because he doesn't approve (or at least won't say for sure whether he does or not). Feel free to discuss and/or offer advice. I really don't know what to do.. this opportunity could result in some major cash for us. At the very least, I will get more travel opportunities from it. Not to mention the networking involved..


Today I have to go to Charleston because I am teaching a class tomorrow, so my blogs might be kind of sketchy for a few days. I am sure my readers will survive though. :-)

So.. I'm off to load the car (L is loaning me his SUV for this trip, so we can fit all our stuff into one vehicle).


The Princess said...

Okay where is this and how long will you be gone? Is this in addition to the job you already have? When you ask L straight out, what does he say? Nothing? I'll be calling you later!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there .... one more suit to view ?
Check out St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands ..... and St. John island is one of the most beautiful, unspoiled places I know. You should go .... and take them suits with you ... and take lots of pictures ...... yeah ...

Neil Dimon