Thursday, August 23, 2007

$300 Million Sounds Like Enough

I did make it to the barn yesterday, but it was too hot to ride again. When I got Trigger out of the pasture, he was already completely soaked with sweat. So I just gave him a long bath and a good brushing and let him eat some grass and play some Parelli games with me.

It was nice, but HOT.

Last night it finally rained a little bit. But not much.

I had a weird dream last night in which S and Mom were at a party with me. When the party was over we were so tired that we fell asleep on the couches, but then Mom freaked out and insisted on going home, stomped out the door (don't know how she pulled that off..). I remember looking under the couch and seeing 3 Prada shoes and wondering which of the hostesses had 3 feet. Obviously one of them did. I suddenly realized that they were all witches. A and J and H had all been there. It was strange. Then S woke up and in her sleepy little voice asked me if there was a baby here named Horns. I said No, and she asked me if he was in the Tzomb? (She said it like that.. ta-zoom). I don't know what the heck that meant. But anyway. That's about when my alarm went off, so I'll never know anything else about it I guess. LOL

Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist, then I'm going to the BW for a treasure hunt. After that, L and I are going to meet with the wedding officiant. Saturday we taste cake.

Oh, and we didn't win the lottery last night. But the jackpot is up to $300 million now.


The Princess said...

damn 300 million... with that much to win, I say buy a few more tickets!!!lol love ya

Francake said...

This heat has got to go. I usually adore summer, but this heat is misery. I am actually excited for fall for the first time in my life. I bought a book "Training the Young Horse" and had hoped to do some of the exercises I learned in it w/ Scarlett and Ruby this way. It was always too hot when I wasn't at work. Okay, have a great day!!