Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hell's Kitchen.. ?

Well I couldn't exactly post L's old pictures without putting up a few of my own, could I?

Here we have my sister, pretending that she does ballet. In reality, we both wanted to take ballet or some other kind of dance, but for some reason that was taboo.. unless the dance in question was clogging, which we did almost constantly.

This leotard belonged to our mother, during her "spa" days, when she'd go to work out and we'd be stuck in the stupid nursery. I don't think she actually did much working out though. I mean, think about it.. wearing this getup, you'd asphyxiate or die of heat stroke if you actually broke a sweat. This is not cardio-friendly clothing.

And this kitchen! Agh! This is what our house looked like all the time.. Dark wood, orange and yellow and brown everywhere! A floor that induced nausea if you looked at it from the wrong angle. Random pieces of furniture crammed into every available piece of wall space.. pictures and whatnots covering every available inch of wall and knicknacks and piles of random crap on every horizontal surface.. and STILL we were constantly being yelled at to "clean up this mess!!!"

We really liked to play dress up, can you tell? Here I am in about 1984 or so, pretending to be a bride or somesuch.

Wow, there is so much junk in that kitchen! This is what Hell looks like, people.. seriously, this kitchen was indescribably horrible. I can't possibly do it justice here.

Anyway, note the ever-present bottle of coca cola on the counter.. that one was probably emptied of its contents long ago and filled with water to accomodate the ever-present switch.

What was the switch for? Well, kids, back in the dark ages, a switch was the long, thin stick kept fresh in water in the middle of the dinner table, for when we misbehaved. It left stinging welts on the skin for about an hour, and by then we had done something else for which we deserved a beating. ;-) We went through a LOT of switches.

People could always pick out our house in the neighborhood, on account of the strangely denuded trees. lol


The Princess said...

OMG That's great!! Denubbed trees... that and the long gut wrenching screams from our back yard!!!! Seeing these pics scares me.... I think I should go home and throw some shit out just because i looked at this!!!! AGGGHHHHHH

o.r.p. said...

Mom still has that coffee cup that's sitting on the table in the second pic, BTW.
These pictures also inspire me to do spring cleaning.. or LIGHTEN UP as Nanny used to say.

Anonymous said...

you look like a gorgeous renaissance bride!