Friday, October 21, 2005

As if that wasn't enough...

Right now I am glad that L feels the same way about his family that I do about mine most of the time (that we must have been adopted or something). Hopefully he won't run screaming away from me over this latest. I love my family very much, but sometimes I marvel at their choices and their paths in life. I wonder how people with the same blood can make such completely opposite choices and screw their lives so completely.

My grandmother is still in the hospital, and the doctors refuse to do surgery because she won't take blood transfusions. It's likely that she's going to hurt herself again when they send her home, hip still broken. They are doing nothing for her and she is adamant about not accepting blood transfusions.

My great aunt is having surgery next week to remove a kidney that is cancerous. She is feuding with her son, who lives next door, and she is afraid that she will be alone when she has the surgery. My mother, the orthopedic disaster and Parkinson's patient, wants to go down to Georgia and be with her. Mom doesn't realize that she won't be able to help very much if anything does happen, because she can hardly walk.

And she wants me to drive 4 hours to NC to pick her up, another 4 hours back here from NC, then 1 1/2 hours to Georgia, and then 1 1/2 hours back to my house... that's 11 hours of driving she wants me to do in one day. And I am hearing no offers of gas money.

My sister sounds like she has completely fallen apart. And I don't blame her for being in serious pain right now. My neice called the cops on her last night, and as I type this, she's getting ready to go live with her biological father, who is a redneck nutcase, if I remember correctly.

The thing is, I can understand my neice being freaked out.. my sister can be terrifying when she's had enough to drink. But my neice has also lived with her for her entire life and she knows what to expect. But she's a child who thinks she's grown, as all 15-year-old girls do. She made a mistake deciding to go live with B, and she will probably regret it.

My sister is, as I said, falling apart. She is going to lose her job, and now she's by herself. She says that she hates my neice, but I know she doesn't. She's just in a spin right now. that doesn't change the damage that's been done. I am worried about what she will do now. It has seemed to me for a long time that S was the only thing holding my sister on course.

I really worry about her and I know that there isn't much I can do, except wonder how this happened, and be there when she wants to talk.


The Princess said...

so true... i'm tryin to keep it together but the pain is unbelievable and i don't know if i can stand being here alone.. S dosen't know if she has a ticket back and i'm trippin. hopefully she will call me and will have one otherwise who knows...

o.r.p. said...

I don't think she has one right now, to be honest. Have you called Dad yet?