Monday, September 12, 2005

What I Noticed Today

It's another plain old day. Work, drive, dinner, tv, blog, bed.

Except that there are those little things that make it good. It doesn't sparkle. It's more like the first time you notice that the leaves are changing in the fall. It's a quiet miracle. I like that.

A quiet miracle that I can go from not wanting to wake up in the morning to loving plain days in inside a year. Little, ordinary, sometimes almost worn out things make life what it should be.. happy.

Like the glass of wine that he poured for me before dinner, and the fact that he picked the glass that he knows I love. And he did it without saying a word.

The fact that he's terribly ticklish and sometimes that's irresistable. He doesn't like it, but he doesn't get mad either.

The dogs that like you no matter what you're wearing or what kind of mood you're in. The fact that Denver bit me by accident when I fed him a bite of steak, and then tried to issue a doggy apology.

The fact that my mother called just to talk last night, and she didn't sound like she wanted to jump off the nearest bridge.

The fat, striped tabby cat purring around my ankles and the knowledge that tomorrow I will ride on the best horse in the state of South Carolina.

Sometimes you can't think of all the crap in the world or the canned pop culture world on tv because dusty, worn reality outshines the glitter of hollywood.

Corny? Oh yes. But true nonetheless.


The Princess said...

in response to last photo.... LES has F-ing sexy legs!!!! Tell him so and watch him blush.. as for the dog he is as cute as can be... I don't know if I can afford NY for X mas, but if I have to drive, I WILL join the 2 OF you for one of the F-ing holidays ,Preferably Xmas. I want to be able to buy presents and if that means i have to visit you before you go to NY then So be it. I love you and miss you like crazy... Love you sis

Juliet said...

I think those dogs r soooo cute!!!... I miss u alot and cant wait 2 see u!!.. x0x00x0x0x juilet

The Princess said...

where are you? i tried to call you but no answer, I hope everything is okay.Love ya...