Friday, September 23, 2005

Gearing Up for...

It's Friday at last, and I've got a full day ahead, getting ready for my trip. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be traveling just in time for the highest gas prices on record. Great.

It seems that I have a lot to be irritated about lately, especially yesterday. I'll just list the aggravations, shall I?

1) People who bring me huge, needlessly complicated budgets to process that don't add up!!! Argh! If you have "doctor" in front of your name, you have no excuse for not knowing how to add, for chrissakes!

2) People who email me, then call on the phone as they are pressing the Send button, to say the exact same thing.

3) My ex husband has been back in the military for 2 weeks already and no one saw fit to inform me. Not that I particularly care where he is or what he is doing, but he promised me that he would keep the car payment and the house payment current, and he has been court ordered to do so, as well as pay me $4,900 for the remaining half of the marital debt. He was supposed to use his reup cash bonus to pay off his car and give me the money he owes me. He has done none of this.. the house is going into foreclosure and the bank is threatening to repo his car. Both of these accounts have my name on them, so all of my hard work at paying off bills and trying to get on track this past 2 years has been completely a waste of time. I should have just declared bankruptcy and said to hell with it. Add that to the fact that J and his parents waited until almost 2 months after the notices on the accounts were received to get said notices to me, so now it is basically too late to negotiate with them. Oh yeah, and part B to this whole thing is that I have tried repeatedly and in writing to change my address with my own creditors, and they are still sending things to my ex-in-laws' house. I never even lived there, not even for a week. For the love of God, how hard is it to send my mail to the correct address???

4) As if that isn't enough, when I got home, I had a bill from my attorney to the tune of $850. When it rains, it pours.. I feel like the financial equivalent of New Orleans right now.

5) Someone should start teaching mandatory driving courses to employees at this fine establishment. Since starting to work there, I have acquired exactly 23 scratches, dents, and creases in my car from parking in the employee parking lots here. Some of this damage is rather spectacular.. the vanity plate holder in the front is crammed into the front of the car where someone backed or just drove into it. The paint is scraped off down to the metal on both sides where someone (or multiple someones) scrubbed their bumper all the way down. I have big creases in both doors where people have opened their doors into my car. I swear it looks like they've had a contest to see who can kick their doors open hardest, and who can leave the longest door dent! Apparently someone sat a box or something on my hood while unlocking their own car, or smoking crack, or whatever they were doing.. I could deal with my car being used as a temporary shelf, if they hadn't slid the box off of the car, leaving a row of scratches that makes it look like my hood was attacked by a very large, spastic (possibly even schizophrenic) cat.

Today must be better. It has no choice.

1 comment:

The Princess said...

I would install a car alarm that speaks, they have one that says "hey I know you want to look inside, but please step away from the ride..." then procededs to set off an alarm. that's for stepping into the boundry's of the car. it might discourage people for using your car as a shelf.