Saturday, September 03, 2005

Cough Sniffle Hack Hack Wheeze

It's one of those times of year again, apparently. Every time the season starts to change, I get violently ill. Right now the weather is mild and beautiful and I am sicker than the proverbial dog. The inside of my head hurts. My eyes itch and burn. I am drowning in snot.

Ahem. No one wants to read about that.

So we made a little trip to Wal Mart (the outer rim of hell, for those of you from some alternate universe who don't know that) to get some allergy medicine. Our cashier's name was Katrina. She was not, however, hurricane-like in any way. Apparently she has gotten quite a bit of hell from the general Wal Mart clientele. While we were there, we heard a woman shouting at her child; we could tell she was upset with her child by her tone of voice, but even I, who was born and raised right here in the South could not understand what she was saying at first.

"Geh uh awf uhr thayut flawur naaay uh!"

L inclined his head slightly, those eyebrows rising above his glasses. "Is that even English?" To tell the truth I wasn't sure. It played through my head the whole time we were in Wal Mart, even when we passed a knot of people and buggies that had stopped in the middle of the aisle like some sort of tattooed, obese flotilla in the midst of Lake Rollback. Apparently this was some sort of reunion of family members who hadn't seen each other in a while. They said "fuck" every other word. And still I kept thinking.. "Geh uh awf uhr thayut flawur naaay uh!"

Geh uh... hmmm..awf uhr thayut....hummmmm

Get. Get up. Okay, I get it. Get up off of that floor, now. It was English. ... Sort of. Somewhere in the back of my head is the uneasy thought that something isn't right. The South has always had its drawl. I've been accused of having it myself. But that's.. not.. right. We're much stupider than we used to be, folks, and not just in the South.

I took two of those orange, candy-like gelcaps and now I feel like I've slipped into some sort of alternate reality. I still don't really feel like doing anything except staring. L and I took a nice nap on the couch with a down blanket and the Monster sleeping on my back. We were a happy (if sniffling) little heap. Ah, domestic bliss.

I feel like going back to sleep. He's talking about dinner now, but I think I will pass. The medicine and Wal Mart have taken my appetite clean away. Dahlin.


Anonymous said...

LOL. OMG. Sorry.... I promised myself I would stop reading yer blogger. But, I peaked in and I see stuff like .... "like some sorta tattooed flotilla in the midst of Lake ROllback ??????????? "

Where the heck do you get this stuff ???? It's funnier than George Bush tryin to be sincere !!!



o.r.p. said...

You can read my blog if you want, Neil. :D I don't mind. As for the descriptive phrases.. they just sort of happen in my head. I don't know where they come from. Maybe it's deemunz. ;)


The Princess said...

S and I think you could be a comedian.... We say these blogs are so well descipt, we can see it like a movi.