Monday, September 05, 2005

Watching the (Boyfriend Watch the) Game

This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. My normally semi-quiet, well mannered boyfriend has turned into a jumping, shouting football fiend! I don't think I've ever heard him raise his voice in the year and several months we have been dating, except momentarily during last year's Miami-FSU game-watching party at the sports bar. And he was very, very, very intoxicated on that occasion.

Tonight he is sitting on the couch, leaning forward, intent on the players running up and down the wide-screen. He put the dogs to bed early because they kept standing in front of the tv. There is no hope of my usual evening TV pastime of snuggling up to his chest and going to sleep. Every time FSU gets the ball, he erupts! He springs to his feet! "Go! Go! GO!!!"

And every time Miami does something he says "Aw MAN!" and sits back down again. My cat is itching to get close to him, however. He curls up on the down blanket and pretends to be harmlessly asleep, but each time I look at him, he is an inch or two closer to L. Eventually he will try for his lap, only to be surprised by an FSU touchdown. I can just picture the poor Monster flying through the air when L leaps from the couch with a 110-decibel war cry. GO NOLES!!!


Earlier today when we were standing in the kitchen, the Monster was doing the double figure eight between our legs, purring and slashing his tail at our knees. Our doorbell rang twice.. both times it was neighborhood kids selling fundraiser stuff for school. Of course L bought something. Such a cute little trio of little blonde third graders. I don't know of anyone who could've resisted a sales pitch like that. And there's a little black and white cat that has been hanging about outside. I fed it today, which means I now have another friend for life.

Ah well, I philosophize, there are worse things.

1 comment:

The Princess said...

ahh yes, nothing like getting sick to make you appreciate the days of feeling good.I hope you are feeling better also. I am slowly but surely. Who won the Game? I can't wait to come and visit,I miss you very much!!!