Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So Strange..

Ok. This is just too weird to make sense. I have to make a list out of it all to even make sense of it.

1) My mother is mental. That's all there is to it. She wrote a letter to L that is absolutely sickening. If there were ever any bad decision, any family dysfunction, any sordid little detail that I wanted to keep to myself.... well SO MUCH FOR THAT! She spilled her guts about every negative thing she could think of about me.. including details about stuff that happened 10-15 years ago. All of this is followed by an explanation of how SHE didn't raise me to be "that way" and that IIIIII made all the BAD decisions myself. L doesn't care about any of that crap, least of all the healthy dose of religious fanaticism that came along with it. Oh, and of COURSE there was the "Thankyew for marrying my damaged goods daughter" crap as well.. though not in those exact words. The message was pretty clear. I am pretty steamed about it, to be honest. Can you tell?

2) Speaking of mental cases, I sent "Roy" his cease and desist order today, via Certified Mail. We'll see what happens with that.

3) I got L's wedding present in the mail today!! It is so beautiful, and I can't wait to give it to him! :-D

4) I saw an ad at Wendy's today that said something like "If you want to see the difference between Fresh Beef and frozen beef, try one of our burgers!" I appended: "Then you can compare that cardboard taste to Fresh Beef, and see the difference!" This was the Wendy's that spelled "jalapeno" like JOLAPANO on the sign out front.

5) I am in Columbia right now with my boss, and I have to teach a class tomorrow. Then it's back home, another day of working, and then Asheville. I really could use a break...

Also: Check the wedding blog for a small update...


Anonymous said...

I think that all moms are mental. Pray for mine, if you have a moment--she may need to have her gallbladder out soon.

Francake said...

Agh. Parents. My Mom did something similarly weird and embarassing when I was in high school. Something I'll never know why she did. Check my blog for the tale.