Sunday, November 18, 2007

What Do You Say About "The Man" ??

Just gotta say it.

L is the most incredible man I have ever met.

Sure he has his moments.. who doesn't? But occasional bad moods notwithstanding.. he is the kindest, sweetest, most considerate, thoughtful, and generally awesome person I have ever known. I can't believe I got this lucky.

Why is he so awesome?

Because he listens to what I have to say, even if he doesn't agree.
Because even when we do disagree on something, we always treat each other with respect.
Because he never yells unless he's watching football.
Because he pays attention to other people and tries to do things that will make them happy.
Because he is unselfish.
Because he loves children.. and wants to have his with me.
Because he doesn't cheat, ever. Not even at cards.
Because he trusts me and believes in my ability to do things well.
Because I trust him.
Because he is honest even when it's not what I want to hear.
Because he's SO cute!

Because.. I could go on for the next 50 years, and probably will. :-)

Makes me think of my friends Mr B and L'il B, who are still madly in love with each other after 30-something years of marriage. L and I will be like that, I think.. because after 3 1/2 years together, it's already getting better as time goes by. Different, but better.

Could it be that I have finally figured out what love is supposed to be like? Maybe.

Right now it feels like winning the lottery to me.


Anonymous said...

From one sappy newlywed to one close-to-being-newlywed, I concur on all those reasons about B that you have for L..... Except that I'm normally the one screaming some rather impolite obscenities at the opposing football team at the top of my lungs! (B says that he's going to get two sets of earplugs--one for him and one for the cat!)

o.r.p. said...

Ha! Let me know when you figure out how to get the cat to wear his earplugs without shredding someone in the process... ;-)

The Princess said...

This sounds so good to me...sometimes I wonder if there are any more decent people in the world who aren't soooo far up there own ass that they can care about another. Ohhhh, well, I guess one day I will find the right on if it's meant to be. I love you and am glad you are happy after all the missing links of the world!@!! hahahahahaahah LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how we'd get them in (the cat, that is), but I'm thinking ear plugs with red tassels, a la Breakfast at Tiffany's. They'd complement the Himalayan furball quite well.

Anonymous said...
