Thursday, November 01, 2007

No More Candy

And now, on to the next Holiday!

Halloween was pretty cool.. not as insanely busy as last year, but we still went through 95% of the candy we bought. Some of the kids were surly and rude, even though we were the only house with full size candy bars and ocean-themed decorations and a fog machine for their entertainment. I was surprised at the few who thought they could paw through all the candy and basically fill their pillowcases completely from our stash.. but that didn't last long. I started telling them they could only have one pretty early on.

It was funny that the greediest kids were the ones who already had so much candy they'd never be able to eat it all anyway.

We also had some incredibly cute ones.. There was a 3 year old little girl in an I Dream of Jeannie costume that was hands down the most adorable one this year. :-) Lots of people liked the mermaid costume as well.

And now I get to start working on the menu and guest list for Thanksgiving dinner...

I'm getting ready to leave for Washington DC this weekend. I'm going to a conference there with my boss. It should be interesting.. both for the conference and the fact that we have a serious discussion to attend to while we're there.

Later: Pictures from Halloween?

Also: I miss Trigger! Haven't seen him all week!

1 comment:

The Princess said...

ahhh i want to see more pics... when do u leave for DC? call me in the morning!check my blogg... just adding some pics from Halloween!!