Monday, May 07, 2007

Working for the Weekend

This weekend was insanely busy. I feel like it's a vacation to come back to work.. and yet.. there are meetings looming, deadlines approaching, and at the end of the week.. another business trip!

So.. a quick recap of the stuff I haven't blogged so far:
  • L and I did some frenzied shopping and decorating for the party on Saturday. He really needs to chill out. I swear he can put me right on the edge because he gets so uptight about things. And he assumes that because I am not running around with my head on fire about something, that it must not be important to me. I don't know where this idea comes from, but it's a) wrong (I usually know exactly what needs to be done and have a schedule for accomplishing it.. though I may not communicate that so well) and b) it's highly aggravating. I have a hard enough time keeping myself in the right lane going in the right direction without someone trying to speed me up and correct everything I do. Just saying.
  • The Retro de Mayo party was a huge success. L found a joystick thingie that you plug into the TV to play all the old Atari games, and it was a real hit with all of our partygoers. Everyone played trivia as well. It was pretty cool.
  • I went riding yesterday, and Trigger was very well behaved and except for one episode where he tried to trot down a muddy hill and nearly scared me to death, it was great.
  • I also moved my base of operations for Eeeeebs from the sunroom to my craft room. That way I can hang up all my merch and keep it in order. It also keeps the cat from using all of the clothes as a bed. :-)
So now I just have to get ready for the week ahead... Saturday I am going to Nashville...

1 comment:

joe hall said...

What is merch? I want some merch, too.