Saturday, May 05, 2007

Internet Apology

Ok, y'all. I owe you an apology. I have been remiss in my postings here over the past few weeks.. but it's been so busy I haven't had time to organize my thoughts into something even remotely coherent.

So today I will give it a try. Let's do it as a list, shall we?

1) L and I are hosting a neighborhood party tonight. That means lots of funny pics for later. I found L the ugliest pair of polyester pants in the world yesterday.. Did I mention that this is a 70-80s retro dance party mixed with a cinco de mayo party? yeah, it's going to be Retro de Mayo. :-)

2) I had a great ride with Trigger on Wednesday!! He was better behaved than I have ever seen him. We rode out through the woods for about 20 minutes at a nice walk, and then I turned him around and told him to go.. it took 5 minutes to get back to where we started. :-) He's so much fun! I'm going to see him tomorrow...

3) I had the strangest dream last night.. I dreamed that some ex girlfriend of L's showed up at our door, and that he let her in and told her that she could stay with us for a while. She was a skanky ho, y'all. I mean, someone that L would never look twice at, much less allow into our house, seriously. It was that bad. She kept hanging on him and I was afraid he was going to get lice or something (funny since he is bald..), and I was really irritated that he wasnt' making her stop. Well she insisted on sleeping in the room with us, and then when I got up (in the dream) I realized that she had stolen all of my jewelry. So I woke L up (in the dream) and told him, and we were looking through her stuff to see if she had it.. especially my engagement ring. I was SO MAD in the dream that I wanted to strangle L and her both.. I found some of my jewelry in one of her big plastic stripper shoes and then went to wake her up and confront her with it.. when I noticed that she was wearing my engagement ring. That sent me right over the edge. I woke up because I was grinding my teeth. I had to get up and put my ring on before I could go back to sleep. It sounds so freaking stupid when I write it down, but WOW, was it vivid!

4) So when I went back to sleep I had another weird dream. My dad came to visit and actually went to New Spring with me. (I was shocked!!) But instead of Perry preaching, there was a black woman preaching. She was ok, but she got mad at someone in the audience and started yelling at them. I was trying to explain to Dad that this wasn't the way it normally was. Then we left and went to a restaurant and we were eating steaks. He kept pointing out the "biblical errors" in the sermon and I kept trying to tell him that the lady who preached wasn't the real preacher and that the real guy knew his stuff. It was bizarre.

So yeah, that's been my morning so far.. that and ebay. Look for an update on the wedding blog momentarily.


Anonymous said...

How's your voice ? You and DOlly Parton have things in common .....

o.r.p. said...

Oh yeah?? And what would those things be, Mr Diamond? :-)