Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our Brush with a Psycho on the MTA Bus

Well.. today in Nashville was certainly interesting.
We got up and went to the mid-morning session on time and effort reporting for primarily undergraduate institutions (of which we are not one). As you can see, this is incredibly scintillating material.


After that we decided to go shopping again, so we went down to try and catch the city bus. We got confused about the stops a little, and the wind started blowing and it got really cold, but finally we made our way over to Opryland Mills. Some weird guy got on the bus about halfway through the ride and started talking about his feet and then about his dead grandfather leaving him $850,000 in his will and blah blah blaaady blah. We were happy to get off the bus and head in the opposite direction from the one in which he was heading.

atrocious grammar, i know.

We went to lots of stores. M found many many sale racks and bought lots of stuff and spent less than $20. I made one spectacular find (I'll post a pic later), and bought two tank tops, but not much else.. I tried to find a cute dress for the engagement pics, but no luck. We went to see Georgia Rule, which we sort of expected to be a comedy from the previews..

But no. It was ultimately not. I think this movie was tres close to home for Miss Lohan, who was the trampy, albeit gorgeous, star who owned a LOT of white dresses. A LOT. My favorite line from the film..

"If you call me another name, or throw anything at me, or follow me around again.. I will find every one of your boyfriends and I will f*** them stupid!"


After the movie we went to dinner. Then we made our way to the bus stop, and who should be there waiting for us but... the same guy from before. It crosses my mind that he may have been following us the entire time. But I don't want to be paranoid.

We get on the bus. He sits down in the seat closest to us and starts up his monologue again. This time he goes from his feet to religion to money to education. Apparently he believes that he is an MD and a lawyer, but he runs a landscaping business on the side, and he is going to start Disneyland in Nashville. He also says that he is a financial whiz because he has saved himself $2400.. because he's a lawyer and he knows legalities and he can notarize things.

I had to physically restrain myself from snorting out loud. Then he starts talking about his children and his ex-wives (of which there are apparently two). He said that he had open marriages, talked about how he had no restrictions on who they were with.. blah blah women are wonderful, blah blah.. but both his wives cheated on him and that's why it ended. My restraint could not handle that.

I asked him if he had an open marriage, why the heck did he care if they cheated???? He looked me dead in the eye and said "Because she cheated on me with black men!!"

Y'all, this guy was black himself.

I am not kidding.. this is too good to make up! I asked him what his first clue was that these women may have been attracted to men of color.. but he acted like he didn't hear me and changed the subject.

I swear it was the most ridiculous conversation I have ever been part of, ever, bar none. We both breathed a sigh of relief when he exited the bus. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was going to follow us back to our hotel. He had that serial killer look about him for sure. Or maybe I just don't like people who a) stalk me and b) lie, lie, lie.

Anyway we will be out of here tomorrow. M and I have been trying to engineer all of our new stuff into our suitcases for the flight home. Not sure if it's gonna happen, but we're trying.

Pictures of my awesome new notebook
NP update..
I get to see L :-D

1 comment:

The Princess said...

They should keep their freaks on a leash...
BTW it is kinda odd that he was still around when you all got done with dinner and the movies... unless he just rides the bus around and around and around.....