Sunday, May 20, 2007

Well That Was Certainly Interesting..

Last night, L and I went downtown to hear a free concert by Kevin Costner's band. This is why some people should not ever attempt to sing. Ever.

There was an enormous crowd, and I do mean enormous. There was only one beer truck and we stood in line for an hour to buy two drinks at a time because otherwise it would be a one drink night. I have tried to become used to crowds, and the fact that anytime I go anywhere near large numbers of people, I am going to get stepped on, mowed over, shoved, jostled, poked, and felt up by the slimy man who mutters "excuse me" under his breath as he goes by with a s--- eating grin. Grrrr.. but I digress.

We saw a very thin girl with enormous silicone breasts trying to hold a squirming toddler while wearing a skimpy little jersey knit strapless shirt as a dress, while teetering in towering stiletto heels. That was amusing, to say the least.

Then ol Kev started to sing, and we cleared out. We ran into CJ & R, and ended up doing some comparisons of local bars.. High Cotton, the Oyster place, Wild Wing, and finally Barley's, where we ate a huge pizza.

The sweetest thing I've heard lately: L was talking with some people at the bar at High Cotton about football, of course. One of the ladies remarked that he seemed to be such a happy guy, to which he replied, looking at me,

"Why wouldn't I be happy? I'm marrying HER!"

Heh. Just made my week, didn't he?

At the end of the night we had the Scary-as-Hell moment.. Driving down I-185 on the way home, we met someone driving the wrong direction down the highway in the passing lane! I called 911 to report it and get the cops out there before someone got killed.. and they first put me on hold, then cut me off. I don't know if the moron going the wrong direction at 65mph got in an accident, got stopped, or made it home uneventfully.. we never heard anything on the news.. but it's frightening when you call the emergency number and they don't even listen.

Meh. Anyway, that's my weekend. I'm still working on the NP update.. I haven't forgotten. :-) Coming soon: My wedding dress should be here by the 23rd according to the update they sent me yesterday...

1 comment:

The Princess said...

that sounds like a fun night, So you never got to report the asshole on the highway? That suxs!!! I would be inquiring as to why 911 would put someone on HOLD????Love ya.