Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday Monday

I am annoyed with MySpace right now. It WILL NOT let me upload any wedding pictures for some reason. Ordinarily this would not bother me, as MySpace is not really a priority for me.. but several of L's cousins from Louisiana wanted to see some pics, and I can't get them to upload.. until I have time to edit the files to make them smaller.

I'll put that on the list behind the 420,000 other things I need to be doing right now. :-[

I am also annoyed because I came home from work and cooked for an hour and a half and not only did my recipe not turn out the way I wanted it to (my potatoes were not fluffy enough and it's more like soup than shepherd's pie), but then L got all snippy about my wanting to have a particular picture in the wedding album that he had deleted from the list.

Whatever. Who cares? It's not the end of the world, and it's not like we aren't going to have 25 other albums. So I just left it out.

And now I have to go work on thank-you notes, or they will NEVER get done.

Did I mention that I am slightly annoyed??


The Princess said...

Hey sorry bout the potatoes... my day kinda got shot to hell also but WTF tomarrow comes!!

Anonymous said...

We haven't gotten our thank you cards done--and it will be 5 months on Friday. Need to work on that...