Thursday, February 21, 2008

February List

It's list time again (It's always list time around here..)

1) I went back to work today. I lasted about 5 hours.

2) I have to last longer than that tomorrow.. I have an interview, and I have to be able to knock their socks off. Not an easy task when recovering from the Monster-Flu.

3) Speaking of Monsters, mine is yowling now (along with the Duck) because he didn't want to go out to the garage for the night. Unfortunately he had to, because he and Duckie can't leave me alone at night. Monster would spend the whole night either trying to open the bedroom door, or if he succeeded at getting in, licking and grooming my hair or lying his large, loaf-like self on my head while I tried to sleep. This cannot be tolerated for obvious reasons (the main one being suffocation).

4) I'm almost done writing thank-you notes from the wedding! 50-something down, only 7 to go! My hands are tired. I don't think I have written this much by hand in at least ten years. Maybe 15.. it was before I had a computer, I can tell you that.

5) Finally got the Social Security card today! Now maybe I can get the giant, snarling mess that is HR straightened out about what my name actually IS.

6) I actually cooked a real dinner for myself this evening. I rarely ever cook if I'm by myself, but I did today. I figured I needed some real food that didn't come from a can or a bag. I made sauteed chicken breast with garlic and green onion and olive oil, with rice pilaf, pine nuts, and a spinach salad. Yum.

7) And speaking of food, if any of you dear readers EVER hear me suggest eating fast food again (other than Chick-fil-A), please force feed me steak until I regain my senses. I ate a burger from Sonic the other day because I was too sick to stand at the stove long enough to cook (and I was at the drug store anyway). Wow, I only thought I was sick with the flu. Try the flu on top of greasy, smelly, nasty fast-food nausea! Yecch!

8) But I still like cherry-lime-ade.

9) This is the longest list I have done in a very long time.

10) Has PR stopped allowing comments on his blog??

Ok, I have long since entered a fade for the day. Time to get in the amazing electric bed and try to get my snooze on.

P.S.; 11) American Idol: The girls are awesome this year (except for a few of them). But the guys.. only three of them really seem to have talent. Nick A is my favorite so far..

Ok, that's really enough. Going. Now. To get my snooze on.


Anonymous said...

I hope that the interview went well!

Anonymous said...

I like the dreadhead the best! hes a cutiee