Monday, December 03, 2007

I'm back and..

..the situation is normal.

A million things to do.
A-ville was really nice.. and I met a life coach. That's an interesting blog for another day, though.

We got another wedding gift in the mail... It's a Waterford serving platter. It is so beautiful! Wow. I am blown away by the generosity of our friends. I never expected this.. I only put the expensive stuff on the registry so that we could get 20% off after the wedding. Never expected that anyone would buy it for us.
I plan to buy thank you cards tomorrow, because we need to start sending them out very soon.

Got another ridiculous communication from "Roy." This man is a real freak. Seriously, it is getting frightening. I almost had a heart attack this evening when some kid selling magazines rang the bell. This situation cannot stand.

For now, L and I just watched the Heroes finale. Tomorrow I might go see Trigger after work. And then... on to another adventure. Pictures from Grove Park Inn tomorrow!


joe hall said...

Glad yer back safe!

The Princess said...

yaaayyyy pictures... I saw the ones West put up gooderns!!(hehehehahahhah)