Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Make Me Sick

Yes, folks, it is true: I make me sick.
I can't seem to slow down long enough to get well, so I have been staying sick. Add pressure on top of the pressure, why don't I?? Who wants to have a runny nose at their wedding? Certainly not me.

Because of the wedding and the myriad other things I have going on, I am stressed out big time. Because of the stress, I am having problems at work. Because there are problems at work and stress everywhere, including work, I feel angry and exhausted and...

To be perfectly honest, I feel like a toxic waste dump under siege these days. (Barbarians at the gates! Bone melting nuclear waste streaming in from all directions! Agh!)

Of course people say that one day I will look back on this and laugh. I'll laugh NOW; let's see YOU hold up under this kind of pressure, Big Shot!

To top it all off, I think my medication makes me aggressive under stress.. or at least amplifies that side of my nature more than usual. I definitely need a physical outlet more than I used to. So I got up this morning and worked out. Hopefully today will be at least marginally better than yesterday.

At least I got to see Trigger yesterday. He is so cute and fluffy now! He does not like my whinnying horse ringtone on my cell phone though. Apparently whatever the phone-horse is saying, them's fightin words! (Note to self: turn cell phone off at the barn!)

Later: Christmas cards! Packing! More wedding stuff! Oh My!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was feeling like that about a month before my wedding. There's nothing that I can say that won't sound like mealy-mouthed platitudes at this moment, but feel free to give me a call if you just NEED to vent!