Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Quote

"I'm not a nice person.. I am pushing myself."

Amen, sister! I feel the same way 99% of the time. ;-) I'm not really very nice either.. though I would like to be.


Francake said...

I want to be too, but I'm not. I was really touched towards your kindness towards A. I guess you could say I thought about that post all day and decided to send the A the Former Frashley a small note. See after I abruptly moved out b/c of the chaos and messiness and so on...we sort of lost touch. Then the semester started and it was really akward when we see each other, we wouldn not even speak. That is so high school. So I sent her a small note, just saying that even though being roommates blew up I have no hard feelings towards her at all and wish her the best. I wasn't sure about sending it...but the response I got was very positive. I'm glad I cleared the air. I feel like a nicer person.
Have a smooth and productive day!

The Princess said...

you are nice... you just are surrounded by social idiots most of the time in this world.