Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Newscast from the Doldrums

Jazz class last night was great. I didn't get to do much except look through music and listen, but it was great just the same. There are some incredibly skilled musicians in that class! I have a feeling I will learn a lot there.

In other news, my sister's car burned up yesterday. She finally goes and gets the **** thing fixed, and it bursts into flame on the way home from the shop. And when I say "burst into flame" I mean just that. Apparently my family has a startling propensity toward automobiles that spontaneously combust. And with the way things are going lately, I am wondering what will burn down next. This is awful!

On other fronts.. I got a call yesterday from another friend of A. During that conversation, I got the feeling that there has been some spin put on the situation between me and A. As if I am such a b**** and A bears no blame for what happened. And as if I am harboring some kind of grudge.

Y'all I'm not MAD, I'm HURT!!! All it would have taken was a phone call!!!! The only reason I'm not over it is a) I care about A and I would love to be her friend again but b) I have yet to get a straight answer about why she never showed up in Vegas.. just several different stories that don't quite jive, and c) other people keep telling me that I am in the wrong here, and I'm NOT. I'm sorry, if A cared at all about me or my friendship, she would have called me at some point in the last 8 months.

But she doesn't.

So what the **** am I supposed to do? I called them and offered anything I can do to help them in their horrible situation. And make no mistake, I would do it. I will be there for them in any way I can. When they set up a fund for the family, I will donate to it. I would be there helping them sift through the rubble if I felt like they wanted me to. I called other friends who have gone to help.

I see it just like I see my JW family at this point.. my door is open. I love her and would be willing to help her if she wanted or needed my help. But if she wanted my friendship, she would call me. Period. I'm not going to throw myself at someone and beg them to be my friend, when they have continually hurt my feelings in the past. Not when I have made an entire career out of being screwed over by other people. Not when I actually do have friends who actually will show up when they make plans with me, and who call when they can't make it, and who actually care when something is going on in my life. There is no excuse for that kind of rudeness.

Of course, of course, of course I still care about A. Of course I would still be there for her if she wanted me to. But she doesn't. Why is everybody acting like I'm being unreasonable?

And finally, our biggest story this morning.. It's September 11 again. Don't forget. Don't ever forget or get complacent. Support the troops even if you don't agree with the war they're fighting.. they didn't pick the fight. And finally, God Bless America.. we need it.


Francake said...

I blogged about it being the anniversary of 9/11 today too. Great minds think alike.
Is your class a music class or dance?
Hope we can get together soon!

The Princess said...

Yes it is important to remember 9/11 and all it brought with it, no matter what your views on the matter, it is still important to remember the innocent ones we lost. If nothing else it should make you appreciate the people you love even more.... because you never know what today OR tomarrow will bring!!