This PSA comes about as a result of the things I have seen and heard this week.. at work and out in public.
Yeah, you, who won't ever admit to reading my blog because I'm nowhere near as important as you.. You know who you are. There's something I need to say to you, so listen up.
I like lists, so you're getting one. Starting now:
1) You are not better than anyone else just because you can afford cosmetic surgery, or because you have PhD (or any other combination of letters) after your name, or because you're from another country or because of whatever parts might reside in your nether regions. I don't care where you come from. This is America, and here we believe that all
people are created equal. Lose the attitude and deal with it. You're getting on my last nerve.
2) No one else is inferior to you just because they don't have a lot of money (even if said lack of funds is due to their own bad decisions in life.. nobody died and made you the judge), or because they didn't go to college, or because you're cuter than they are. I don't care if your reasons for thinking so are religious, cultural, or just your almighty opinion...
you're wrong. Stop acting like an a$$hole and maybe you'd have some friends to spend time with; maybe then you wouldn't have time to think up new and interesting "comebacks" to perceived (though nonexistent) slights.
3) Unless you have walked in someone else's shoes for at least a day, or sat at their desk and taken the same BS they have to put up with, you shouldn't presume to tell someone to "do their job." Or lecture on
how to do a job you have never done, aren't trained to do, and haven't been asked to comment on... (atrocious grammar, I know, but please bear with me).
4) I don't know who told you that being rude, nasty, and arrogant to anyone would get any kind of results. It doesn't. I don't care if the cashier or waiter in front of you has an IQ of 19 and is ugly as sin, you're not going to get what you want out of him/her by screaming and calling them names. Nor yet by demanding to speak to the manager and then screaming and calling
him names. It doesn't work. Stop doing it. You are making everyone around you miserable and uncomfortable, and you still aren't going to get what you want.
5) It isn't really that hard to be nice. If someone holds the door for you, the correct response is "Thank you." If someone honks the horn at you because you are sitting at a dead stop at a green light, the correct response is to press your foot on the skinny pedal on the right side of your floorboard,,
not to flip the bird at the person who honked. If you
left your purse on the back of your car and then sped off, and someone saved your purse for you and called you to return it, with contents intact, the correct response is "Thank you SO MUCH!!"
I realize that it is hard to be nice all the time. I try really hard, but sometimes my true nature wins out and I just
have to express my outrage.. but I try to keep it a rare occurrence. Like yesterday.. But that's another post. The point is, you would get a lot further in life if you treated people like..
people and not obstacles to your perfect little life. Just saying.