Friday, April 28, 2006


Ok, there's been a few things going on:

1) My mother is the best layer-on of guilt trips in the history of the world. And I am her favorite victim. She had her surgery yesterday, and Wednesday night before the whole thing went down, she gave me the guilt trip to end all guilt trips.

I will be the first to tell you that I am no longer a crier. I hate crying. It pisses me off. And I look really stupid when I cry, so I try not to do it. Anyway, I've certainly never done it in front of L. He was so cute, trying to make me laugh. Making jokes about drama and asking me why my mother chose me for the special treatment.

I had to explain it to him, and he said I should be more like my sister in that regard. I've certainly never heard anybody tell me THAT before. I've always been told NOT to be like my sister, mostly by my mother, and mostly when she thought she had some control over what I do. But I digress. Again.

Mom made it through the surgery fine, her jabs to the contrary notwithstanding. She will be out of the hospital in 5 days. That's a lot sooner than we thought. This will mean a decision on whether she's coming to stay with us or not. Jury's still out on that.

2) I had to come in to work on my day off because of a proposal that had to go out, and no one else is here to do it. Oh well. At least it's comp time. After work I am going to lunch with the people from work, and then to the studio to work on some music. L is meeting me in Anderson for the Soiree (the street festival that our band was supposed to be playing, but now we're not). We may see A&A there.. but I haven't really heard from them since the no-show last weekend.

I'll post again later, maybe tomorrow. I am sure to have more to say about all of the above then.


The Princess said...

hey I told u about wat i told Mom about the oppurtunity of staying at a rehab center where theytrained to help u recover faster... I reminded her of ur training in Orlandoand that I would bejoining u there,thi comp is fucked up I can't even fix my mistakes without erasing the whole sentence !!!!I love u and will talk to u tomarrow... Thanks for adding our names to the flowers... i love u =)

The Princess said...

call me my frustrated one....