Wednesday, April 12, 2006

o.r.p. takes on the justice system and wins

So today was the big hearing. The ex showed up, surprisingly enough. Even more surprisingly, he sat down next to me in the lobby and talked as if the last 7 years hadn't happened.. like we were still high school friends and he hadn't made my life heck.

He tried to put down some boogie-woogie for a minute, but quit trying when it became obvious that I wasn't buying. When we got into the courtroom, I was struck by the fact that he was underdressed for the occasion. Everyone else in the room was wearing a suit. I had halfway expected to see him in a uniform of some type.. and that would probably have helped his case, ironically enough.

Long story short, the judge didn't buy what he was selling either, and sentenced him to jail. No kidding, they took him directly to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. The only way he could get out would be either a) serve 6 months, after which he could pay me the money he owed and my attorney fees, or b) he could pay me the money and go free.

He sent his attorney to his car for his phone, and I imagine he called his mother at work. I left, only to get a call later from my attorney saying that I could pick up the cash whenever I was ready. So I went and got the biggest wad of cash I've ever had at one time. Ever.

I paid my attorney what I owed him, and took the rest to the bank posthaste. At the end of the day, I have my money, he is on his way back to the fort, and everybody is happy. Except possibly his stepdad, who I have a feeling footed the bill for today's escapades in the courthouse. Which makes me feel a little bad.. but then there are only so many people in the world who can possibly enable a man like my ex-husband. I will not continue to be one of them.

When I came home today, L was happily painting his office navy blue. A guy came by the house today and bought his weight bench, as well, so hopefully soon we will be buying a bowflex or something comparable so that we can set up our home gym in the garage again.

And I'm off to surf the internet for a few minutes before going to bed...

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