Saturday, April 22, 2006

Today, Tupperware. Tomorrow, The World.

I got up this morning and scrubbed the house, tried to make it presentable.

The tupperware party was today. The ladies from work came, but no one else did. No one from the neighborhood, which I kind of expected, and none of my friends, which kind of ticked me off a little. I mean, if you're not coming, then don't tell me you are.

Of course, I am getting used to this sort of thing. After my friend J, I have begun to notice it a little faster than I used to. And maybe sometimes I am a little bitchier than I need to be about it. It's not the end of the world if someone tells you they're going to do something/be somewhere/call and then they don't. It's just one of my pet peeves.

Anyway, L went to the movies while the party was going on. We have a ton of food and two huge bottles of wine left, and now it's up to me and L to eat em. Fun stuff.

I listed about 10 things on ebay, but one of them was removed by the admin, because they said it violated the adult materials policy (I was selling J's old collectors edition Playboy from 1/00). Oh well. I will relist it under mature audiences some other time.

L came home, we took the dogs for a walk, and then watched Crash on TV. Excellent movie. Excellent. L is flipping channels and munching some of the left over party food, and I think I must go join him. I feel that a glass of wine is in order.

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