Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Body Hates Me

I've got to figure out what's going on here. I suppose it could be related to moving, and all the bending, lifting, painting, packing, and general working I've been doing for the last few weeks. But. Anyway, the bitch was late with her visit this month, and now she won't leave. Look, lady, a week is long enough. Two is unacceptable. Go away!

Add to that the fact that I am hungry. Not a little hungry, either. Not just a case of the munchies, no. I am freaking ravenous all the time. For like, two weeks, I have eaten like a rabid wolverine. According to the scale at the gym, I had gained 6 pounds. Some of it was water weight, because 2 pounds of it were gone the next day when I weighed, but still, I don't need to gain any weight.

In fact, I would like to lose about 10 pounds before the pool opens next month. I've been working out every day this week so far, and Friday on my day off, I will be painting the old house most of the day. It's not like I'm not exercising.. but once again everything in my closet is starting to feel tight again. I hope it's just the bitch's fault, and I'm not turning into a particularly well fed hippo-- that's what I feel like today. A hippo, or maybe a walrus.

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