Monday, November 07, 2005

Bad Gets Worse


So here's where things really started to become odoriferous.

We arrived at the farm at that golden hour before dusk, when everything is still beautiful, and you know that a long dark drive is ahead of you. Grandmother was sitting in her lift chair covered with a quilt and 3-4 purring cats. Grandfather was still in his Sunday pants and an undershirt (the first time I have EVER seen him wear an undershirt in front of anyone), standing down by the depleted fish pond, staring intently at nothing.

Apparently grandfather was trying to fix the pump in the fish pond to keep from killing the rest of the giant koi, and fishing the rest of the dead fish out with a net. I went down to help, unaware of exactly what I was getting myself into. There are dead koi scattered all around the pond now, so you have to watch where you step. And the smell.. we won't talk about.

Mom and Grandfather both almost fell headfirst into the pond before I told them to get out of the way and tell me what needed to be done. Basically, I had to pull the pump out (no small feat in itself). I then had to reach into the slime filled pond with a grappling hook and find the handle of an extremely slimy bucket, which was full of bricks and slimy water (and dead fish, naturally). I then had to lift said bucket over the dam and dump the water and crap out of it, and replace it in the bottom of the pond, upright.. then place the pump back inside.

Did I mention that I was wearing my favorite cordoroy pants. Yeah.

Oh, but it gets worse.

I strained my back doing all this. When we finally got back on the road, it was my turn to drive, so we set out as the sun set, mom waving from the porch with Indiana and her wagging tail beside her.

The drive was uneventful until we hit Charlotte. That's when all hell broke loose. We were cruising along at about 80 mph in the left lane, when we ran over something that looked like a piece of plastic. There was no way to avoid it, but when we hit it, we suddenly realized that we had no drivers side tires. At all.

I tried to keep control of the 4Runner and get over to the right side of the road, and we almost got creamed by a semi, but we made it.

This is what happened to one of the tires..

So here we are, in the dark, on the side of the interstate. I call Cingular Roadside Assistance, only to be informed by the idiot who answered the telephone that we'll be charged for everything they do, including sending out a towtruck, never mind that that isn't what the RA deal is at all. He then claimed that he couldn't find Charlotte, NC and were we sure we weren't in Rock Springs or Raleigh? Why didn't we just leave him alone and call the police?

I called the highway patrol, who were friendly, efficient, and obviously overworked. He recommended a tire repair shop and called a tow truck for us. I called W to see if he could come get us.

He had just smoked up and was in the zone, but he came on over. We spent the night at his house, which was fine, but we had no toothbrushes, no clean clothes, no shower. We woke up this morning profoundly miserable and feeling horrid that our doggies were home alone with no dinner or breakfast.

We called the tire place and were informed that we needed to come look at our car because.. well.. it was vandalized overnight. Someone broke the window and stole everything that wasn't nailed down, including the receipts for the arts event, which means that they had my father's credit card number. Not. Good.

I called dad and he cancelled the card. New one won't be here for 7-10 days. I have 2 business trips in that time, for which I have no spare funds. Great.

I had to miss band practice, and I feel like I've been beaten across the back with a 2x4. Tomorrow I have to get up at 5, put my luggage in the car, and go to work. After work, M and I head to Edisto, where I have to teach back to back classes, all day for 2 days, on my feet. In heels.

Our poor car. My poor back. My poor L. He's got dark circles under his eyes. He doesn't know when they'll be able to fix his window, and we were supposed to take the 4Runner to tailgate in for the Clemson-FSU game on Saturday.

So. That's how my weekend was. Thanks for asking.

*shuffles off to bed*

1 comment:

The Princess said...

woah,that was messed up... but if you look on the BRIGHT side....
1. you didn't have mom with you when the tires blew,otherwise you would have probably had a heart attack from the {high-pitched screaming}
2. the semi didn't hit you nor did anyone else were in a town someone you knew lived
4. L was with you.
5. mom wasn't with you,to reinact the whole senerio over and over again.
well I for one am glad you and L are safe and the car can be fixed, even though aggrivating,better you are both safe.
Lesson from all of this... Fear Plastic in the road!!!!