Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Back to Reality

The Rock just before the sun set... we walked all over the island, looking in the old buildings and listening to the stories of attempted (and successful) escapes. It was a great tour...
The Golden Gate Bridge in the sunset as we headed out on the Alcatraz ferry.
Yours truly, getting ready to set off by myself again.
A San Francisco Seagull.. they're the biggest gulls I have ever seen!
The view from the top... This was the v iew from our hotel room balcony.

A very romantic city... I want to go there with L and drink a lot of wine someday. : )
Back at work I am busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest, and T has sick children, so she doesn't have to come to work this week at all. Sigh. Oh well. I guess it comes with the territory. I'd rather process proposals than have a kid throw up on me, I guess.


1 comment:

The Princess said...

Yes, sick kids, that's very stressful, because you are worried, as well as being busy and risking the chance of catching what they have.
Those pictures are fabulous!!They look like postcards. Look and see what kind of camera that is exactaly so I can price them for Xmas. Also don't forget to make your xmas list! and Les too.
I'll write more on my blog later now I have to go make several cheesecakes

oh, yeah I've got to send you a link I read about a JDub. In trouble tell me if you know what i'm talking about!love you.