Friday, November 18, 2005

Jeez! This is un-frikkin believable!!!

9:51 pm
12:51 pm eastern
She is still in the bathroom, still talking to him, and apparently it is now an argument.
She's been in there for 2 damn hours now, and I am a little fed up. If I have to take the elevator down 42 floors to take a piss, I should at least be allowed to brush my frikkin teeth.


Another day or so of this and I may have to have a little private talk at work to ensure that I don't have to do this again. I'd like to at least room separately so that I can bring someone capable of intelligent conversation with me. This is absolutely ridiculous.

1 comment:

The Princess said...

yeah that "private talk might not be such a bad idea, just make sure they understand you still want to go,you just need your own freakin room because you can't learn and focus because you are to busy babysitting. I'll be happy to keep you company and entertained as well!!!!!i love you don't forget a magnet or keychian or some small token from alctraz...AKA "The Rock"=}