Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Too Fast

I'm back from Boston, and we had a great time. I'll post pics as soon as i have time to download them to my computer.

I'm getting ready to leave for Florence tomorrow to teach another class. Then it's Christmas decorating and shopping and cleaning and getting ready for the Florida trip.. I have a lot of presents to buy and not quite enough money, as usual.

God I can't wait until I am out of the hole. I keep thinking about J and how I'd really like to slug him right now for making me take his ass to court again because he's not making his house or car payments, which are in my name.

I'm a little frustrated about that situation, and the fact that I don't feel like I have had enough down time in the past two months. I feel like the creeping crud that everybody is down with is stalking me, and it's only a matter of time before it's me tossing my cookies with a 103 fever for 4 days. I just keep repeating to myself that I have to make it through these classes this week. After that I can be as sick as I need to be.


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