Saturday, March 04, 2006

Movin Out

Last night we went to see "Movin Out" at the Peace Center. I got the tickets for L's birthday.. third row.. best damn seats in the house. It was unbelievably cool! We had a great dinner, then went to a nice restaurant nearby the Center for drinks before the show. The show was amazing. It was all dance, with a live band performing Billy Joel's songs.. the dance and the music told the story.. if you ever get a chance to see it, GO! It was outstanding.

Then we came home and had incredible sex, before going to sleep thinking about our big move, which started today.

This morning I woke up with my allergies in full swing, nose bleeding, sore throat, utterly miserable. L went to the drug store for me and got some decongestant, which was a very good thing. I took that and went to work, breaking down the bed in the guest room, taking apart the entertainment center, and loading them all into the storage containers we had delivered yesterday afternoon.

The deal is that we pack up the trailers, then the company moves them to our new house, and we then unpack them. Pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.. much easier than using a rental truck, where you have to bust your hump to move your whole house in one day.

At this rate, we've got 2 weeks to get 'er done. I did get beaten up a bit today. The mattress rammed my hand into the door frame. L accidentally ran into me with the entertainment center on a hand truck. Then we were getting boxes out of the attic, and he didn't realize that I was coming up the ladder. He tossed a box out the attic opening and caught me square in the face with it. Luckily, I had on a baseball cap and the bill of it kept me from getting the full impact. And luckily I didn't fall off the ladder and back into the garage. That could have been rather disastrous, even for me.

But I think we're done for the day. We're both feeling pretty worthless after all that moving, and very glad that we don't have to do the rest of it today.

Talked to Mark as well.. He is busy and working his rear end off. He said he was going to call my seester this week sometime and see if they could hang out or something..
And I am going to go lie on the couch with L..

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