Monday, March 06, 2006

I am Allergic to the Entire World

Oh. My. God.
My throat and my lungs burn every time I inhale. I don't know if it is something in the house (we have been moving furniture and stirring up dust) or something in the outside air (everything is blooming early) but this is HELL.


I am miserable enough to have been mean to L tonight. He called me out on it immediately, so of course I felt even crappier for being a beeyotch. It's not like he deserved it or anything.

But I cant BREATHE! And I'm ITCHING!!! This SUCKS!!!

I wonder if I have used the all caps key enough yet.. My ears hurt, my face itches, my eyes are burning, my throat is sore and I HATE THIS. I am going to get some sort of injection tomorrow, if I can get into the doctor's office. I am of a good mind to just show up and camp out in the office until he can squeeze me into his schedule.

I haven't been this miserable in quite some time. I had to skip band practice tonight, too. :( And I will have to skip NSAI tomorrow night, as well. Meh. :( :( My keyboard cannot make a frowny-enough face! Grrrr!


..hack. hack. cough cough cough hack wheeze...

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