Saturday, February 04, 2006

Insanity and Alcohol

This has been a hellish week. It started with an angry woman at work, who kept doing things at the last possible nanosecond before a deadline, seemingly just to make our jobs harder. Then I had a class to teach, so it was off to Columbia..

Only to come back to the same proposal over again because of more last possible nanosecond changes, and a coworker who skipped out on me. Overall it was very stressful.

Then I went to get the materials copied for my seminar on Monday, to find the asshole at Office Depot who ran my copies on the DIY 6 cent per page instead of the business one so that I'd get charged more. I was pretty mad..

I was off on Friday, so I made plans to go out for a drink with my friends. And that's when the insanity started. One of of my good friends, J, just seemed to lose it last night. She is usually so poised, so put-together.. But last night she got totally blitzed and made a total ass of herself over a man who everyone knows is a philanderer. He is married with kids, and the rumor is that he was recently caught at a local hotel with an employee of his.

To tell the truth, I don't care, and I don't understand why J would, unless something has been happening between this man and her. That would go against every opinion I have ever had of her, but that's the only explanation for last night.

She was sitting there in a bar that's smaller than my living room, surrounded by the town's elite.. county council, city and county government, state reps, attorneys.. talking about the Sleez and the women who flocked around him in a voice that became progressively louder and more shrewish. I couldn't get away, because she followed me everywhere I went.

When I ordered some food, she devoured half of it without ceasing her blow-by blow..

"Look, look, now he has his arm around that slut! Oh my god, I can't believe all of these dumb blondes! That's all these men are after.. a new slut. Just look at them..."

And on and on and on it went. And on. And on. I haven't been that embarrassed since the last time I was out in public with my ex-husband. Even after I asked her quite loudly if she realized the volume at which she was talking, and informed her that I AM BLONDE!!!! Quit with the bimbo crap already..

Finally the Sleez (who is really kind of a nice guy when he isn't drinking.. in a rather slick sort of way) and his entourage left.. and my friend, who I was sure was a self-assured, in-control-of-herself, confident women, chased after him.

I stayed with A for at least another hour, trying to recover from the shock and mortification of the evening. When we left, A called me to say that J was still in her car, watching his car in the parking lot.

I don't understand it. It really creeps me out a little, how you can have such a strong impression of someone.. even admire them.. and then you see them one day and they're nothing like you thought they were.. and you can't pinpoint the change. What was it? When did it happen? How?

It was a bizarre evening, to say the least. I didn't sleep well last night.

This morning I went to a songwriters' meeting, where I met Dave Berg, a professional Nashville songwriter. He listened to our songs and critiqued us.. He compared me to Ani DiFranco.. I can't think of a higher compliment. He told me basically not to bother with Nashville. I ain't no country singer..

But after playing my demo, three people in the group asked me to sing their songs for demos. A lot of songwriters can't actually sing their own stuff, so they hire people to do it. That is also a high compliment as well..

And one thing that happened last night was music related.. it seemed everyone I met has talked to C from the band, and has heard all about me and my voice.. Pretty amazing, to me... but I'm a little worried that with all the hype I won't be able to live up to it.

We'll see, I guess.

And tonight L and I are going to hear Dave Berg do a concert of his own music. I am looking forward to hearing it.. the few songs he played today were phenomenal. I do think I'll buy a CD...

And now, it's on toward next week... band practice and a seminar on Monday, songwriters on Tuesday, open mic on Wednesday, trying to recover after that...

In other news, L and I continued our house hunt today.. we found another neighborhood we love, and 4 houses we want to see inside. I think we're getting closer to what we're looking for at least..

And speaking of what we're looking for, the V-day question looms.. my quandry is this: lingerie or DVDs? Victoria's Secret or something else? The guy friends I have asked have said VS, hands down.. Still not sure, tho. This is L we are talking about.. Meh. Eventually I will make a decision..

1 comment:

The Princess said...

hey check out the support board... we need to talk on the phone about your blog love.... call