Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

It's raining and cold outside, and I haven't been able to get warm all day. I have a cold and I feel altogether more like getting back into bed than getting started on a brand new year, to tell the truth. But I have band practice tonight and work in the morning, so ready or not, here I go.

I don't have many resolutions that are much different from the ones I have every year: get in shape, get out of debt, clear the slag from my life and move forward.

Maybe this year I will accomplish one of those at least.

I know the slag won't be completely cleared; I am about to enter into a nasty legal skirmish with Numbnuts over his failure to be a responsible human being. I feel bad because I know that even if by some miracle I ever get the money, it will probably come from his parents. Still, I can't bring myself to just let it go. He needs to face up to his responsibilities and realize that not everyone is going to cut him slack. He's had all the consideration he is getting from me.

I will continue my efforts at the gym. That's gotten a lot easier since everyone else goes there at lunchtime at work. It's harder to slack off when you have other people going too, and when you bring lunch from home. Saves money and excuses. :)

I'll take care of myself the way I have not been doing lately. I'll get my hair done and take the dry cleaning that's been gathering dust in for cleaning. I put off things like that because I am trying to put every possible penny toward getting out of debt.. but I'm getting closer. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, at least. And I am not doing myself any favors by neglecting myself.

At least this year my car will be paid off and hopefully I can build up my savings "cushion" to where it needs to be: at least 3 months' salary. That way I won't have to borrow money anymore in order to travel or when something unexpected comes up.

So.. not outstanding new year's resolutions, but they'll do. At least this year I am going for something attainable. ;)

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