Friday, January 06, 2006

Guess Who's Back?

I went back to work today, feeling mostly better, although still sniffling a little bit. It was a pretty good day, even though I was busy trying to catch up.

D called again while I was sick, and talked for a long time. He always degenerates into talking about the clubs, or talking about the few minutes that we dated 7 years ago. I don't understand where he gets off talking about love, as if anyone could know what love is at 20-21 years old. Especially a naive little girl like I was.. coming out of a cult with no life skills and no sane guidance and no idea what the real world was like.

He took advantage, plain and simple, and now he thinks he can do it again. I don't want to talk to him anymore, ever. That whole decade is something I'd rather erase from the my life. It's like the most typical of mediocre high school angst poetry. Religion, strip clubs, little boys who played at being big tough men and told more lies than they could keep track of.. I'm including the time from when I graduated from high school until I got divorced from J. I can't really say I did anything worth doing except finishing my Bachelor's degree.

All D wants to do is rehash and relive every disgusting second of it, and as much as I never wanted to hear from him again in the first place, I REALLY don't want to hear from him anymore. He's starting to seriously creep me out. Apparently he has been stalking me more or less for 7 years.. looking me up, calling any number he came across, mailing things to any address. Nothing dangerous.. but then I don't doubt for a second that he could turn nasty really quickly.

Meh. I think I'll go watch TV with L and quit wasting time thinking about it.

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